-Scroll Down For Updates- Well kids I don't guess I ever overhauled this site now did I? Hell, I did have a great message board on here at one point though. For those who may not know, Hadji and the Turbans the band is pretty much over, everyone has moved to different corners of the world, they put on a hell of a last show though, I have it on tape around here somewhere you can email me at matt@mattfromopp.com if you'd like to purchase a copy from me. Also there is talk of putting together a Hadji tribute site to chronicle the band's history and post up great shit we all got along the way. So if you have any pictures or media that should go on this site email it to the aformentioned email address with HADJI AND THE TURBANS as the subject or msg me on AIM: MattFromOpp, and I'll do what I can to collect all the Hadji related pictures, sound clips, videos, stories, flyers, merch and whatever on this site. Hit me up yo. All too late, MattFromOpp

Word Up! Check it out homies the Hadji message board is back and way better. I hope you like it because I put ALOT of effort into finding one that would fit and had lots of options that would make it more agreeable. Not to mention it was a bitch to figure out through cgi. Either way it's working phatty bo batty. This site is about to have a major overhaul, I'm almost done with the new design. Also I'm the new webmaster I think, I've got a great crew that is going to help me keep this site updated. Only thing new is the message board which is ad free at the url: http://www.animeotaku.com/hadji/cgi-bin/ikonboard//ikonboard.cgi Check back everyday because who knows when I'll have the new design up. Until then,...I will part.

Very Truly,
Matt From Opp

Hadji and the Turbans are a punk/ska band from Dothan, AL.  They are signed to Permanent Reckerdz, and are currently looking for a bigger and better record contract.  Use the menu above to navigate through the Hadji website.  Check back here for frequent updates, as well as shows that the band will play.  We appreciate your support and please sign the guestbook.

Thursday JUne 7 No updates besides the update about the show...it is the 9th at 10. at dakota. fuck you if you have a problem with me taking the messageboard down. we should have the site redone soon..for all you kids who want flash and shite. i hate you, i dont care if this is the best or the worst. notice me not updating it ever..i know it sucks..i don't care...I did. but that's when the band was talked about and shows and stuff..not stupid kevin wang shit(which was a band of a joke..they created the band as a joke..you moron justin key, you moron...god..you moron...it was a joke...not serious...alright? no reason to argue it...'kow'..you are stupid..)..anyway..email me if you wanna bitch at me...
Monday April 29 wow. most everything is updated. there is a show this weekend at Dakota...information in the shows section...shows, news, and arse and shite is updated...fans section is too with a story from Katie Kut-throat. on another note..weezer upsets me..cancelling warped tour...i was just thinking about that..anyway. stuff is updated..check it out...
Monday April 16 i love you charlie salamander! for you have motivated me to update the page. my piss poor page at that!!..anywho. no reason to update besides to satisfy this guy..there should be a show in the next few weeks.
Saturday March 31 this is an update!!! finally ive stopped being lazy and updated the hadji page-there will be a hadji show next weekend with Failing as Heroes(good band. kinda weezerisque, i like'em)..more updates to come soon-check out the messageboard and sign the guestbook!
Thursday February 22 it's an update!! isn't it amazing? anywho-i have mono and i have been experiencing some 'personal problems' and stuff...but really i still didn't have anyhting to put an update up for...BUT-there's a new arse and shite!-and um...that's it...really if you want to add soemthing to the page, or confess how sexy i am, just email me, my email address is all over the page and shit...its rain366@aol.com...and um...that's all...there's a show Saturday Night-the 24th of Feb.-it's The Lightweights, Forever Is Not A Wish, and Times Of Silence, its at "Al's Place" in Ashford-if you need directions just email me or post something on the messageboard...(forever is not a wish is an emo-core band that is very, very beautiful-i must comend those guys, and i want to breed with the bassist..anywho-that's all..
Thursday January 18 links are up as well as credits..if you helped me and i ddidnt include you please message/email me...and if you want your link on the links page-email it to me..Rain366@aol.comsend me some stuff for the fans page-i have a few things, but i want to put it all together at once...go to the messageboard for info on a hardcore show saturday night..
Wednesday January 10 The show last weekend was awesome, and there was a HUGE turnout, the other 2 bands were amazing, and I would love to see either of them again....for those of you people who didn't go to the show...We've got it on tape...me and michael will work something out about how to distribute them or whatever...if you have ANY pictures scanned from the show, send them to me, my email address is at the bottom...the credits, and the links page should be up by the end of the week, as well as more pictures in the photos section...Sorry for all the bickering on the message board...
Saturday December 30th Promises are always kept when it comes to Michael Bush...I put the pictures page up, check back for frequent updates...there will be a show next weekend, look for fliers starting around Tuesday at Dakota and other places for more information..as well as checking the page out...thanks for the support
Saturday December 23rd Well, first off, bad news: New Years Show has been cancelled, Michael told me yesterday when we were making the flier...another thing, I am sick..yes..sick..hoefully i will have the pics page up before the new year, actaully, i promise i will, considering the fact I am out of school...
Thursday December 14th Hey..I actually worked on it for once..I put up 3 songs in the lyrics..and that took me about 45 minutes to do..so it will be a while before the whole album is up, but I have nothing better to do so I'll tell you when they are all up...people are posting things on the message board, that is awesome..um..that's all i know that i've done..the band part is up, but its not that good..I need to resize the pics on it and stuff..oh well..bye or something..
Sunday December 10th UPDATES!! YEA! so the webpage is ALMOST finished! ALMOST..I am putting up the lyrics tomorrow, and my comptuer is being mean so I cant do the Band page..i am gonna fight it though!..oh well..I saw meet the parents last night and it sucked..so dont go see it..it sucks..and i got the new Vagrant Records Sampler and that is awesome..and um...News is updated..it tells about the next show..and there is alot left..oh well..goodnight
Wednesday December 6th Arse and Shite, a place where MIchael can do what he wants has been updated..I put a new message board in..and i am going to get a new guestbook where you dont have to sign it to view it...and Happy Birthday Tiffany Yanagawa(Patrick's girlfriend)...she turns 16 today..that's all the updates today
Monday November 27 Um...I dunno if you didn't notice..the whole site has been redone..if you like the new one, please tell us..email Rain366@aol.com...Soon the mailorder merchandise will be up, as well as lyrics..if you have any lyrics written down, send them to us..its easier than typing them out myself..it'd be cool if lotsa people came to the site...so please, tell everyone about it...it will undergo many many many changes within the next weeks...give me feedback..go talk to people in the band..or email me..the webmaster..email me telling me anyhting..what you want on here..what you dont want...whatever..if you have any pics of hadji in action send them to me..please make it a GIF or a JPG file..